The Integrated Health Clinic specializes in guiding patients to develop a personalised treatment plan specific to their health needs. The Clinic believes that having a broad overview of the applications and benefits of different types of treatments is important when trying to plan an effective treatment plan. For this reason our treatment plans can include a single or a combination of complementary therapies. The aim is to maximize health benefits by using the most appropriate treatment options. Each plan also takes into consideration any existing medical/health treatments to avoid any possible drug interactions or side effects.
New patients will receive a consultation where a detailed history of their health problem, followed by a physical examination and discussion of a treatment plan. This is normally followed by a treatment. Consultations and treatments usually last between 40-60 min long.
Below is a guide on the types of treatments available. If you are unsure about what type of treatment is suitable for you then please feel free to call us, or book a FREE (15 min) consultation appointment to discuss it further.
1. Acupuncture
Acupuncture is an ideal alternative to drugs when treating pain symptoms, chronic and complex conditions. As a guide you will need between 4-6 weekly treatments to achieve a meaningful result. Each consultation will involve an evaluation of your health using traditional chinese methods. Treatments are virtually pain free and include the use of fine disposable needles. Additionally, moxibustion (a type of herbal heat treatment) and cupping treatment to enhance blood and lymphatic flow, as well as nerve function may also be used. More …………
2. Nutrition
Nutritional consultations may include a dietary plan, advice on supplements or herbs and health optimizing life style advice. This will vary depending on the reason for the consultations e.g. Weight management or the treatment of Allergies. More ……….
3. Aromatherapy & Massage
A unique combination massage treatment using acupuncture pressure points, essential oils and aromatherapy massage to release muscle tension, blood and lymphatic flow. Useful for the treatment of conditions such as stress, anxiety, pain and others. More ……..
4. Combination Treatment
A individualised treatment plan where two or more types of therapies may be incorporated into a single treatment by the same therapist with an aim to enhance the overall treatment outcomes. For example, within a single treatment visit a patient may receive acupuncture, which is then followed by some acupressure massage. Alongside this, if it is appropriate nutrition, herb or supplements may also be advised. More……..
For more information or to make an Appointment.