Category «Health»

Acupuncture points for Seasonal Allergies

Gradually we are moving from spring to summer and the combination of sun, fresh flowers and warm air, but for some its means puffy itchy red eyes, runny noses, sneezing and headaches. Good News! although the seasons are unavoidable, the need for antihistamines and a constant supply of tissues can be avoided with a few …

Gluten Free Chapatti Recipes

Having to change to a gluten-free diet can be very challenging for  those who eat Chapatti (flat-bread) as a central part of their diet. For anyone with an allergy or intolerance to gluten, the chapatti / paratha / puri is by far the most missed item, particularly in an Indian meal. On its own gluten free flour …

Complementary Therapies to Stop Smoking

0Smoking is a significant risk factor for many diseases including cancer, cardiovascular, chronic lung diseases and gastric ulcers. According to statistics smoking kills nearly 6 million people each year i.e. approximately one death every six seconds. 5 million of these results directly from smoking, while more than 600,000 are due to passive smoking. Due to …

E-cigarette or NOT ?

E-cigarettes are high on the media agenda at the moment. I have never been a fan of smoking, so the introduction of e-cigarettes already had my alarm bells ringing. In the UK sales have soared by 340% in one year, with the industry worth rising from an estimated £44 million (2012) to £193 million (2013). …

Alopecia (Hair Loss)

Alopecia is a medical term used to describe loss of hair from some or all parts of the body. The psychological stress of hair loss is complex, as hair forms a large part of our identity and appearance and is at its highest at the onset stages. In women particularly hair represents femininity and attractiveness. …

Focus on Vitamin C

Vitamin C also known as ascorbic acid is a well known vitamin. However not everyone is aware of its function and benefits that it offer us. As a water-soluble vitamin it is not stored in our body which is why it is important to ensure that we have a good supply of it in our …